Говорим правильно! Род  (м.р. ж.р. ср.р.)

Выполните упражнения которые помогут закрепить эти правила.
1.Определи род.
мама,  стол, сад, папа, дети,  сестра, дом, мальчик, девочка, отец, метро, бабушка, книга, муж, дедушка, ученик, фото, жена, ученица, стул, врач, документ, студент,  собака, журнал, школа, кошка, одеяло, портрет, брат, мать, класс, парк, жена, хлеб.

М.р.-папа,мальчик, отец, муж, дедушка, ученик, врач, студент, брат.

Ж.р.-мама, сестра,девочка, бабушка, жена, учиница, кошка, мать, жена.

Ср.р.-стол, дети, дом, метро, книга, сад, фото,стул,документ, собака, журнал, школа, одеяло, портрет, класс, парк, хлеб.
2. Допишите окончания. Задавайте вопросы:
какой?; какая?; какое?; какие?
Зелёное  дерево – зелёние  деревья;
высокий  дом – высокие дома;
большой  словарь – большые  словари;
умный  человек – умные  люди;
дорогой   вещь – дорогие  вещи;
хорошый  друг – хорошые  друзья;
красивое  здание – красивые  здания;
новая  машина – новые  машины;
тёмная  ночь – тёмные  ночи;
жёлтый  лимон – жёлтые  лимоны;
интересный  фильм – интересные  фильмы;
дешёвый билет – дешёвые  билеты;
низкое  кресло – низкие  кресла;
красное  яблоко – красные  яблоки;
маленькая  площадь – маленькие  площади;
тёплый  день – тёплые  дни;
синая  чашка – синие  чашки;
шоколадный торт – шоколадные торты;
солнечный день – солнечные дни;
солёный огурец – солёные огурцы;
зимний вечер – зимние вечера;
модный костюм – модные брюки;
ветреная улица – ветреные улицы;
входной билет – входные билеты;
оперный театр – оперные театры;
музейный экспонат – музейные экспонаты;
выходной день – выходные дни.
3. Составьте словосочетания.
молодой  богач,
белая снижынка,
высокий потолок,
жёлтое солнце,
глупый ученик,
большое дерево,
красные яблони,
холодная плошьадка ,
голубое небо,
красивая ученица,
вишнёвое джемы,
коричневые деревя,
самый любимый цвет,
чёрный рюгзаг,
низкая девушка,
хорошие опаты,
зелёная девчонка,
своя собвтвиная,
самый дорогой_____круг_________,
самое интересное_______ето зеркола_______,
самое тёплое______дело________,

Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe as a young man loved to sail to distant lands. His father did not approve of Robinson as a sailor but let Robinson make his own decisions.

Robinson Crusoe wanted to become a sailor. He went on his first voyage at the age of nineteen. It was a disastrous journey; there was a heavy storm and the ship was wrecked. Robinson survived but did not go home. He went to Brazil. There he became a farmer.

In time, Robinson Crusoe made a lot of money in Brazil. This he re-invested in other businesses.

One day Robinson Crusoe had to go to Africa on business. On the way, there was another storm like the one on his first journey. This time the storm was more fierce; his ship was wrecked and Robinson Crusoe was washed to a lonely, uninhabited island.

Robinson Crusoe explored the island for any sign of human life; there was none. With great difficulty, Robinson built a home. His expertise in farming helped; he started growing rice and barley. For meat, he hunted the wild goats. Robinson Crusoe tamed a few of these goats for milk, from which he learnt to make butter and cheese.

Robinson Crusoe

Twenty six years passed in this lonely way for Robinson Crusoe. He craved for company. One day, he saw footprints on the beach; instead of being happy, Robinson was scared having been alone all these years. Robinson had made sharp weapons, which he now carried around for self defence. He also had a gun which he had preserved and kept since the time he was shipwrecked.

For many days Robinson Crusoe saw nobody, but one evening he saw about a dozen men. They were eating other humans. They were cannibals from a nearby island. The cannibals left the island after a few days.

Robinson Crusoe felt safe but he knew the cannibals would come back. One morning Robinson saw the wreck of a ship. He ran to it and saw that it was a Spanish ship and in it was a survivor – a middle aged man.

Robinson Crusoe took the man to his hut, gave him some food and water. Once the man recovered his health, he helped Robinson Crusoe with his work Robinson called the man Friday as he had been rescued on a Friday.

Friday did not know English but as time went by he learnt a few words, enough for basic communication. One morning, Robinson Crusoe found friday missing; he suspected that the cannibals were back and had captured him.

He went in search of Friday and found him just before the cannibals were about to kill him. He rushed into their midst firing at all the cannibals and killing them. Friday was safe.

Robinson Crusoe and Friday found the boat of the cannibals. They decided to sail back to Brazil, where Robinson had left his business. They carried enough food and water and set sail to Brazil. Robinson Crusoe had spent thirty five years in the island.

Robinson and Friday reached Brazil. Robinson Crusoe got several thousand pounds from the trustees of his estate. Friday remained with Robinson Crusoe helping him in his estate.

Անծանոթ բառեր.

Decisions-որոշում կայացնել


Uninhabited island- անմարդաբնակ կղզի

Difficulty- դժվարություն

Missing-անհայտ կորած


1.I opened the door now.

1.I am opening the now.

2.I opened the door yesterdey.

2. He reads a book in the evning.

Does he read a book in the evning?

He doesn’t read a book in the evning.

3. We read a book in the evning.

Do we read a book in the evning?

We don’t we read a book in the evning.

He is reading a book now.

We are reading a book now.

He we-will read a book now.

Children play games in the yard.

Do children play game in the yard?

Children don’t play game in the yard.

Children played games in the yard.

Did children play game in the yard?

Children didn’t play games in the yard.

Children are playing games in the yard.

Children will play games in the yard.

Interesting facts about bees🐝

It is interesting that honey appeared to people in the Stone Age. In the caves of Cuevas de la Arania in Spain, an ancient cave painting depicting a man climbing a tree to extract honey from a wild bee hive was discovered. That painting was made about 8,000. many years ago.
• It is not known when the bees were kept at home. However, archaeologists have discovered that beekeeping was known in ancient Egypt even before our era. From the 3rd millennium BC This occupation was so revered that the title of one of the Egyptian pharaohs was “Lord of the bees.”

Интересные факты про пчёл🐝

Интересно, что мед появился у людей еще в каменном веке. В пещерах Куэвас де-ла. Арания в Испании был обнаружен древний наскальный рисунок, изображающий человека, взбирающегося на дерево, чтобы добыть мед из улья диких пчел. Та картина была сделана около 8 тысяч. много лет назад.
• Неизвестно, когда пчел держали дома. Однако археологи обнаружили, что пчеловодство было известно в Древнем Египте еще до нашей эры. С III тыс. до н.э. Это занятие было настолько почитаемым, что титул одного из египетских фараонов был «Повелитель пчел».